Lime Made Simple
Alka micronised lime is sourced and milled in Australia. Alka is used as a soil amendment and a fertiliser. It can be applied as a slurry, a dry powder or blended with other nutrients including Entra.
Available in 1mt bulk bags or 500kg bags.
Key Benefits - For Soil Amendment
Source of Calcium
Highly effective soil amendment
Lower application rate due to micronisation
Quick results
Ability for precision application
Logistical advantages around application
Alka Specification
Typical analysis:
Neutralising value 99%
Calcium (Ca) 39.5% w/w
Microfine particle size
Alka Micronised Lime Brochure
Alka - Tow and Fert Brochure
Conditions of Sale
The goods are manufactured and tested to specific standards and are sold in good faith, however, no guarantee is given as the conditions and methods under which they are used are beyond the control of Fertec. Before using, the user should determine the suitability of the product for its intended use and user assumes the risk and liability in connection therewith.